Monday, April 13, 2009

April 27th Meeting - the last until August!
When: Monday, April 27th
Where: Vestavia Methodist Church
What time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. (speaker starts at 7)

Speaker: Chuck Andrews - Chuck is with Northwestern Mutual. He has an adult brother with Down Syndrome, and is familiar with the need to make sure a permanent source of funding is there to benefit the child after both parents deaths. He also talks about the importance of a letter of intent, and has good handouts. His company is a leader in working with families that have a child with a disability. Chuck spoke last year in a joint presentation with Katherine Barr. We learned a lot from him. Again, this is a meeting that I think all of us need to hear. Hope to see you there!

Free childcare
Call Laura Davis for more information 706-1311